Landing the Pitch: Five Tips for Media Pitching In 2022

Nov 25, 2019

Tips for Crafting a Successful Media Pitch

Media pitching is a crucial aspect of any successful public relations campaign. In 2022, with the ever-evolving media landscape and changing communication channels, it's even more important to have a solid strategy in place. As a leading provider of SEO services in the Business and Consumer Services industry, Santiban Digital Marketing understands the importance of effective media pitching. Here are five valuable tips to help you improve your media pitching game in 2022:

1. Research Your Target Audience and Media Outlets

Before reaching out to any media outlet, it's crucial to research and understand your target audience. Identify the publications, websites, and journalists who would be interested in your story or pitch. Look for outlets that align with your business and industry. Building relationships with relevant media professionals can go a long way in securing media coverage for your brand.

Moreover, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and topics in your industry will allow you to tailor your pitches to resonate with journalists and their target readership. Taking the time to understand the media outlet's audience and preferences will significantly increase your chances of success.

2. Craft a Compelling Story

A captivating and well-crafted story is the key to capturing the attention of journalists. Your pitch should have a strong hook and a clear narrative that highlights the unique value proposition of your brand or offering. Use storytelling techniques to engage and entice the readers. Help them see why your story is worth covering and how it will benefit their audience.

Remember to tailor your story to the specific media outlet you are targeting. Each publication or journalist might have different angles and interests, so customize your pitch accordingly. By understanding their preferences, you can ensure that your story stands out from the countless pitches they receive.

3. Personalize Your Approach

Generic, mass-mailed pitches often end up in the trash folder. Personalization is key when it comes to media pitching. Take the time to address journalists by name and showcase your knowledge of their previous work. Reference specific articles or pieces they have written that are relevant to your pitch. This demonstrates that you have done your research and adds a personal touch to your pitch.

Furthermore, consider building relationships with journalists through social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn. Engaging with their content, sharing their articles, and commenting on their posts can help you establish a connection before reaching out with a pitch.

4. Provide Supporting Data and Expertise

Journalists are always looking for credible sources and compelling data to support their stories. Include relevant statistics, industry trends, case studies, and expert insights in your pitch to add value and credibility. Be prepared to provide additional information or arrange interviews with industry experts if requested.

Position yourself and your brand as a reliable source of information and a thought leader in your field. By showcasing your expertise and willingness to assist journalists in their research, you increase the chances of your pitch being considered for media coverage.

5. Follow Up Professionally

After sending your initial pitch, it's essential to follow up professionally and courteously. Give the journalist some time to review your pitch before reaching out again. If you don't receive a response, send a polite follow-up email or make a phone call to inquire about their interest or availability.

However, remember not to be pushy or excessively persistent. Journalists receive numerous pitches daily, so it's crucial to respect their time and workload. Be patient and persistent, but always maintain a professional demeanor.


Media pitching is a valuable skill that can help your business gain exposure and establish credibility. By following these five tips from Santiban Digital Marketing, you can increase your chances of successfully landing media coverage in 2022. Remember to research your target audience and media outlets, craft a compelling story, personalize your approach, provide supporting data and expertise, and follow up professionally. These strategies will set you on the path to media pitching success.

Hazel Lancaster
Helpful tips for media pitching! 👍
Oct 12, 2023