A Passion for Fashion: Interview with Jackie Trebilcock

Oct 25, 2022

Welcome to Santiban Digital Marketing, your trusted partner in providing top-notch SEO services tailored for businesses in various industries. In this exclusive interview, we have the pleasure of speaking with Jackie Trebilcock, an influential figure in the New York fashion scene, recognized for her remarkable expertise and groundbreaking work at NY Fashion Tech Lab.

Driving Innovation in Fashion Technology

Jackie Trebilcock has played a pivotal role in driving innovation and technological advancements within the fashion industry. As the founder and CEO of NY Fashion Tech Lab, she has been instrumental in fostering collaborations between fashion entrepreneurs and cutting-edge tech startups, facilitating the development of groundbreaking solutions that shape the future of fashion.

The Intersection of Fashion and Technology

In our conversation with Jackie, we delved into the fascinating fusion of fashion and technology. She emphasized the growing importance of leveraging technology to enhance the overall fashion experience, from design and production to retail and customer engagement.

Jackie shared her insights on the impact of technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and data analytics in revolutionizing various aspects of the fashion industry. She highlighted how AI algorithms can streamline the design process, helping designers bring their visions to life more efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, she highlighted the power of augmented reality in revolutionizing the way customers interact with fashion brands. With AR technology, customers can virtually try on clothes before making a purchase, providing them with a more immersive and personalized shopping experience.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Fashion Industry

During the interview, Jackie Trebilcock shed light on the challenges faced by fashion entrepreneurs, especially in the digital age. She emphasized the importance of staying adaptable and embracing technological advancements to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

According to Jackie, the rapid evolution of e-commerce and shifting consumer behaviors have necessitated a digital-first approach for fashion brands. She stressed the significance of leveraging SEO services and digital marketing strategies to drive visibility, engage with customers, and ultimately increase sales.

However, she also acknowledged the opportunities available for aspiring fashion entrepreneurs. She encouraged individuals to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions that bridge the gap between fashion and technology.

Inspiring Lessons for Fashion Entrepreneurs

Throughout our conversation with Jackie Trebilcock, she shared valuable lessons and words of wisdom for aspiring fashion entrepreneurs. One of the key takeaways was the importance of resilience and adaptability in navigating the ever-changing fashion landscape.

She emphasized the significance of embracing failures and learning from them, as they often pave the way for growth and innovation. Jackie highlighted that a successful fashion entrepreneur is not deterred by setbacks but instead uses them as opportunities to refine their skills and approach.

Beyond resilience, she stressed the value of collaboration and networking within the industry. Jackie recognized the power of collective knowledge and emphasized the importance of building meaningful connections with like-minded individuals who can provide support, guidance, and potential partnerships.


Our interview with Jackie Trebilcock, the visionary behind NY Fashion Tech Lab, has provided a glimpse into the fascinating world of fashion technology. Her insights, experiences, and passion for innovation have revealed the boundless potential at the intersection of fashion and technology.

As Santiban Digital Marketing, we are committed to helping businesses in the fashion industry unlock their full potential through effective SEO services and digital marketing strategies. Contact us today to embark on a journey towards digital success in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Phone2action Advocate
Jackie is a fashion icon!
Oct 5, 2023